Sunday, April 3, 2016

My Journey to the Autoimmune Protocol

It has been a really long time since I updated my blog! After we came back from (and even while we were on) our Wild West Winter 2015 Trip (post coming soon!), I was feeling awful. I was bloated, achy, tired, and I wasn't sleeping well. I had put back on all the weight I had lost over the last year and nothing fit right.

My husband and I had done the Whole 30 before, and since he was not feeling great after a few months back on the SAD (Standard American Diet) either, we decided when we got back that it would be another Whole 30 for us... except he took it up a few levels and decided to do a Whole 60! This is a link to another post I did during my husband's first Whole 30. It has some general info and some links to books on the topic.

That would be 60 days of strict paleo eating, no treats! I committed to 30 days and on January 3rd, we dove head first into what would be his 4th round of Whole 30(60) and my 3rd round.

As soon as I got back, I started trying out some new recipes. Of course my best friend, Pinterest, and my other social media love, Instagram, helped me find new and delicious things to try! I'm not going to go through each recipe, but here are two of the boards I worked on during this time:

Both the Whole 30 board and Paleo board have various recipes that I have tried, however the Whole 30 board has no treats, sweets, or paleo baked goods on it. Whole 30 bans these for the 30 days as a way to form healthy habits. Each Whole 30 I've done, I've gotten better and better about understanding my habits and dietary needs. I always lose some weight, but this time something was different...

I go to my see my awesome chiropractor at least twice a month (though she's on maternity leave right now... enjoy that new little squish, Dr. Santiago!!!). I mentioned to her--maybe two years ago--that I was having some pain in my wrists, but over the last few months it had been building up and I was getting concerned. I thought that by cleaning up my diet, and losing some weight, I could help relieve the pain as well, but after my Whole 30, even though some of the weight was gone, I still had that ache in my wrists.

What else could I do? I already took a huge step in removing all the junk from my diet and eating clean for 30 days...

I enjoy browsing the new books section of my local library. I just look for things that catch my eye and I take them home, because hey... they're free! This book caught my eye:

The part that looked most interesting, other than the fact that it was another book of paleo recipes to try out, was that bottom left corner that said that these recipes help fight auto-immune diseases... hmmm... Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease...

So I read the first part of the book and it sounded like Whole 30 on steroids!!! In addition to no grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, alcohol, soy, processed food, or refined seed oils, I'd have to give up EGGS, POTATOES, TOMATOES, seeds and seed-based spices and oils, nuts, ANY KIND OF CHILE, including paprika, jalapenos, bell peppers, etc. Oh no!


I spent a couple of days weighing the pros and cons. This sounded awful. "What the hell am I going to eat?" was all that went through my mind. But I also thought about my pain...

There were signs that things weren't going so well for my weak little wrists. It was most apparent when I struggled to open things, like jars, bottle tops, the bottom of the humidifier to refill it with water. It hurt my wrists to massage my husband's back. or pick my growing son up to change his diaper. Yoga was no longer relaxing and meditative. It was brutal and embarrassing. Downward dog had to be done on my elbows.

I thumbed through Rachael Bryant's Nourish and decided that I could do this. I decided on trying it for 60 days. I had already done a Whole 30 and was still following the guidelines for over a week afterward.

I could do this.

Today I'm on day 57. Here's my board (so far):

The first week was probably the most difficult. I am not much of a planner and it bit me in the butt right away. I was scouring Safeway on my break at work for ANYTHING I could eat. It was so hard and I went home hungry and grumpy that day.

With practice, and a little planning (okay, a lot), I got better and was able to be prepared at work and out in the world for eating. Eating out is still kind of awful, but I'm managing.

While I am so eager to get back to my beloved paleo diet and just stick with that (now Whole 30 seems like a treat, though I have gotten to add honey back in!), I want to do things right. I have read a couple more books to help me on my journey.

The first book I recommend reading, which is like the bible of the autoimmune protocol, is Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD's The Paleo Approach. This book is incredibly complete with all of the science and answers to why this all works the way it does and why certain foods can lead to an inflammatory response in the body. It also discusses the nutritional value of a myriad of foods and explains why a comprehensive approach includes more than just diet, but adjustments to lifestyle, including sleep, activity, stress management, and more. Check out The Paleo Mom blog by Dr. Ballantyne for more information and check out her Instagram and podcast, The Paleo View, with Stacy Toth who blogs at Paleo Parents.

I, of course, highly recommend Nourish, by Rachael Bryant. Her recipes have kept me going when I thought that I couldn't do it anymore. I've found some new favorite recipes in that book and have posted a few on my Instagram. Follow her on Instagram, too, and check out her blog, Meatified. She has even been really supportive when I've Instagramed the meals I've made and has given me some hope and courage through her kind words.

Now this isn't meant to be a forever thing. As I said before, I'm aching to get things back that are completely Paleo, but potentially autoimmune triggering, so I need to go through the process of reintroduction. This is where foods are challenged one at a time to test for reactions. I am eager to get started but also a little terrified of messing it up. 60 days is a long time to invest into a healing protocol. Screwing it up in a matter of weeks is not what I have in mind. I have a better relationship with food now, but still crave the macaroni and cheese I make my toddler (which he proceeds to refuse and break my heart at the same time. Uneaten macaroni and cheese?! Sacrilege!).

Made @grazedandenthused's AIP Red Sangria and it delivered! Actually steeped the cloves and cinnamon with all the fruits for 5 days! AIP Day 50 after a Whole40... no easy task, especially when it inconveniences others, but I'm putting my health first for awhile. I'm loving the positive changes I'm seeing in my health and that makes it worth it 😊 down 20lbs since January and 60+ down since the little was born. Still have more to go, but more positive I'll get there since other things have improved, like my arthritis, joint pain, and insomnia. Looking forward to reintroduction soon! Would love some #aipreintro advice from those who've done it! #aip #healthy #autoimmune #autoimmunepaleo #autoimmuneprotocol #paleoeats #paleoliving #paleolife #paleodiet #paleolifestyle #paleogirl #aipeats #healthyliving #healthyeats #healthymom #primal #sangria #paleomami #paleomama #gains #weightloss #iamwhole30 #whole30 #wholefoods
A photo posted by Victoria (@lsgtorie) on

Today I downloaded and read Reintroducing Foods on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol by Eileen Laird. This book is short and simple and gives some great tips on getting through the reintroduction phase. She explains that it might take anywhere from three to six months, and while that is slower than I'd like to go (deviled eggs haunt me), it seems like the right thing to do. I have my little moleskin journal ready for day 61 and will start with egg yolks.

Whether you found this post randomly, or by clicking on a link from me because you are my friend, I could use some encouragement or words of advice in the comments below! If you have any questions, though 60 days of this is nowhere enough time to become an expert on the autoimmune protocol, I do know a thing or two and would be happy to share what I know. Hopefully this can inspire someone to begin their own journey of healing and health.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sweet Potato Asada Fries with Recipes for Taco Seasoning and Pico de Gallo

I was lucky enough to be a part of the Influenster Pumpkin VoxBox, designed especially for moms! Inside was a bunch of goodies, including a full-value coupon for one Alexia product! We were challenged to come up with a recipe using one of their products, and since I love Alexia's products, this seemed like a no-brainer! Here's a pin of the product I chose:

  • 1 bag of Alexia Sweet Potato Fries
  • 1 pound grass-fed ground beef
  • 1 batch of taco seasoning (recipe below)
  • 1 bag Shredded cheese
  • Pico de Gallo salsa (recipe below)
  • Guacamole (I used the complimentary Yucatan Organic Guacamole I got to try in my Influenster Pumpkin VoxBox!)

I picked up this little bag of goodness at Target. I had my coupon from Influenster for a free package of these, but they were also running a coupon on Cartwheel for 20% off, or something like that. No, I didn't get any money back! How do those couponistas do it?

I started out buy preparing the fries according to the directions on the package. My oven cooks kind of cold, so I always use the maximum time suggestion. Even after that though, the fries still needed about 5 minutes. The Sprout ate a bunch of them! These are definitely toddler-approved!

Next came the ground meat. There is no way I am going outside and barbecuing carne asada when I'm so cold I can barely type up this blog! This California girl is not prepared for any "winteresque" weather coming her way! My husband laughs at the fact that I came up with the idea to visit the Grand Canyon and Salt Lake City during my winter break... What was I thinking!?! Anyway, I digress.

So I decided to throw some seasoned ground beef on top of my fries to give it that asada flavor, without needing to bear the cold. It also gave me a chance to work on my taco seasoning recipe. Growing up, my father used to make us American-style tacos with ground beef, using the infamous packet of Lowry's Taco Seasoning; a savory sodium death-bomb of deliciousness. It also has wheat and milk products, and there are times when we're following a strict paleo diet and those don't work for us. Here is my current recipe for taco seasoning:
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • dash of cayanne
  • 2/3 cup of beef broth or water

Just get your ground beef all browned up like this, sprinkle the dry seasoning mix on top of the meat and stir it around for about 30 seconds to let the flavors of the chili powder and garlic start to bloom. once it's all incorporated and smelling good, pour the beef broth or water over the meat and simmer until the liquid is mostly gone. You'll love it. delicious and comforting.

Another important part of this dish is the Pico de Gallo! AKA red salsa, Pico de Gallo, is a staple in traditional Mexican dishes. It's really easy to make and adds a ton of flavor to any dish! Here's my basic recipe:
  • 2 roma tomatoes, diced
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
  • 1/4 of a sweet onion, diced
  • 1/2 lime, juiced
  • salt to taste

Toss all of the ingredients in a bowl and add the salt a little at a time until it tastes great. Of course you have to keep tasting it, so have some tortilla chips at the ready! It's that easy! You can substitute with serrano peppers if you like or a different kind of tomato, but for classic Pico, this is it!

Assemble the Sweet Potato Asada Fries with the fries on the bottom, then some ground beef, a sprinkling of shredded cheese, Pico de Gallo, and a dollop of guacamole for a delicious anytime dish that your whole family will love!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


We love bananas in this house! We usually go through 10-15 a week and it's just the three of us. The Sprout was eating a whole banana by himself by the time he was one and a half! Due to this intense banana love, I find myself buying two bunches a week on our weekly shopping trips. Sometimes the bananas will be gone in a few days, but sometimes, if we're out and about for a couple days out of the week, a couple of bananas will go rogue and way too brown before anyone can enjoy one for breakfast or throw it in a lunch sack. I know, I know... these bananas are still good and useful for banana bread and smoothies and banana pancakes, but it's not always easy to get around to making those things. In an effort to keep my bananas fresh longer, I've undertaken a few experiments recently to see if there were some banana saving tricks that I could use to save the banana goodness on those weeks where it just doesn't work out. Here's what I pinned:

Make Your Bananas Last Longer

So for the first experiment, I got my two bunches as usual and put them in our hanging basket; one bunch in tact, one bunch broken up into individual bananas. According to the pin, your bananas will last longer if you break them apart instead of keep them in the bunch. To be honest, this seemed a little counter intuitive to me, but heck... it could be the very thing that would save my bananas for good! Worth a try!

Here are my bunches of bananas, ready for the experiment! The top basket of bananas have been separated and are now individual and the bottom bunch are still attached.

Three days later... (we've eaten a few)

Five days later...

One week later... the banana on the left is from the top basket, the right banana is from the bottom.

Verdict: Leave your bananas attached together! Separating them does nothing, and may actually make them brown faster (unless that's what you're going for).

Life Hack Zombie Banana!

So this YouTuber Brandon Queen has a video that's been circulating that shows him reconstituting a banana. I saw it on a friend's Facebook feed and I was in awe! I didn't do any research, otherwise I would have known off the bat that this one had been busted already, but I still went for it and tried to copy his results! Without further ado, here's my attempt in response:

Bottom Line: just eat the bananas!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Seventh Generation Energy Smart Dishwasher Detergent Test

Product testing is awesome. What's even better is when the products that you're testing are in line with your philosophies about health and the environment. I have been a part of Seventh Generations's Generation Good for a few months now and have not been disappointed by one thing I have been asked to test, which is not something I can say about all of my other product testing opportunities. Here's a pin I made of the product I was able to test for free this time around:

Seventh Generation's new Energy Smart automatic dishwasher detergent uses a plant-based formula designed for high performance cleaning whether in cold or warm water settings, and without phosphates or chlorine.

Some fun facts about Seventh Gen's Energy Smart Automatic Dishwasher Gel:

- Formulated for high performance cleaning in low energy settings.

- Plant-based gel formula

- Formulated to clean even tough loads without phosphates, chlorine or synthetic fragrances

- No harsh fumes

- Septic-safe

Well I gave this stuff a month of testing, versus my usual dish washing detergent and this is what I found:

This product smells great. It's not an overpowering, so-far-up-your-nostrils-it's-in-your-brain scent, but it's clean and fresh smelling.

There is way less residue left on my dishes than with my regular detergent. I have hard water. It's just something I deal with all throughout my home, but I've been resigned for awhile to the fact that my dishes would never be totally clean. Well, I am so pleased to say that I was wrong! This has probably been the cleanest my dishes have ever been. I've used detergents with bleach, other natural detergents, powder detergents, individual "pak"-type detergents, rinse aids, you name it! This was the best (and least toxic) by far.

It is not messy! The gross thing about those wrapped detergent "paks" is that sometimes, some of the pack gets left behind in the detergent cup. I've also had it make the dispenser get stuck, and therefore not release the detergent AT ALL (extra disappointing and frustrating. Waste of water and detergent)! This gel formula is easy to pour, and stays in the cup until it's needed.

My dishwasher is not a new one. Admittedly, I have no idea how old it is, because it came with our condo when we bought it two years ago, but it looked old, even then. Even though my dishwasher may be on it's last leg, this detergent has helped it be effective, even though it's days are numbered.

All in all, I am impressed with the effectiveness of this product. Green or not, this is one of the best dish washing detergents that I've ever tried and I highly recommend it!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

SB&J Burgers

Okay, so this was the first thing I was actually nervous about trying in a very long time. All the ingredients I love separately.

Burgers? Delicious!

Strawberries? I grew up in Santa Maria, California. We live strawberries.

Sunbutter? Awesome.

Together? Ehhh... Yep, that's right! Hesitation.

This is what I pinned:

The Sprout and I took a trip to the farmer's market today and then went to get the usual groceries. After the little guy went down for a nap, I decided I was hungry and started poking around a copy of Well Fed 2 I borrowed from the library to see if anything looked good. I couldn't believe it when I thumbed over this recipe from The Clothes Makes the Girl's Melissa Joulwan. Sunbutter and Jelly... ON A BURGER? Woah.

I had all the ingredients... Why not? Besides, it's Whole 30 compliant and I've got a day and a half left to go!

I started by washing and cutting up our fresh strawberries. I ended up only using one of those lemons, but I think I probably could have gotten by with a half a little lemon.

I added in the ginger powder and set this bowl aside. I got the burgers made with the salt and pepper and got them in my pan. In the recipe, it says to grill your burgers, and I'm sure that tastes 10x better! They still came out pretty good.

While those were cooking away, I dumped my strawberry mixture into a small skillet and got to stirring! I didn't want these to burn, especially because all of the fruit sugar, so I kept a close eye on these berries.

So everything got all bubbly and delicious! I put the mixture into a bowl and set it aside to cool. I popped a bit of the Sunbutter into the microwave for a few seconds to get it all soft and easy to pour.

A quick tip about green onions: try putting them in a cup of water when you come home from the store. They will last a lot longer, and they'll keep growing! You'll get way more for your money! Just change the water every other day. I use my kitchen shears to cut off just what I need.

And... they were pretty darn good! I think that I could make two improvements. 1. I would put less lemon in the strawberries. I got a little too lemon happy. Hazard of not being a person who measures. 2. I would try to get the hubby to grill these bad boys up. I was not down to clean the grill tonight, so that will definitely be happening for round two... YES! Round two! These are just weird enough to be really, really good! Melissa also has a variation on her recipe that's called "Fat Elvis". That's exactly what it sounds like; a burger with banana, bacon, and Sunbutter (or almond butter)! 

That has to happen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Class Syllabus Infographic

Handing out a paper syllabus is so 2008... haha! I thought I'd try something new and creative for my students this year and appeal to their visual sense as well as make the information easier to understand and process for students and parents. Here's where I got my "pinspiration":

I decided to try to build one from scratch and it took just as long as you think it would! I ended up using Piktochart, just as the owner of the above syllabus did. Making an account was easy. I just used my work Google account and signed up for the free account immediately. It took less than a minute.

They have pre-designed templates that you can choose from, so I found one that seemed like it would fit my purpose. I chose the Minimalist template and got to work! I opened my traditional syllabus and began conveying the information that was already available onto the template. I decided that I wanted the information to be chunked in blocks like the one I found online, but I wanted to use a bit more color. See for yourself:

I'm really proud of how it came out! While it's not perfect, I don't think it's too bad for a first try! I really wanted to print a big size from my classroom, but I had to get a little creative because the poster maker at work can only print from PDFs... so I Googled "JPG to PDF converter" and used the first site that came up to convert it! It worked great. If I had the Pro version of Piktochart I would have been able to simply download it as a PDF, but they only give you the options of low to medium resolution JPG or PNG files. You also have to put up with having their logo on the bottom. Not a big deal really... especially since I just cut it off on my poster! 

When you opt for pro, you also get access to their full library of templates, no logo on the bottom, and way more upload space. I'm fine with the free account for now, but if I use this much more, I might ask my school district to look into it for me. Pro is priced at $29 a month (!) but if you're an educational institution or non-profit organization, you can get it for $39.99 a year.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

No-Sew Fleece Blanket

I love giving handmade gifts and I especially like giving ones that can actually be used in some kind of practical way! Fleece blankets are warm and durable and great for the park, camping, the baseball game, or wherever you go (even if it's just your couch)! I've made a couple of these for friends, family, and even myself! I, of course, learned through clicking on a bunch of pins, but this one is closest to the method that I continue to use. (She has way cooler tools than me though!)

Disclaimer: I hate measuring, so all measurements given are approximates and you can do with that what you will. Measuring is for suckers!!! (I say until my stuff doesn't work out... haha!)

I picked out a Sanrio character print for one side and a somewhat-matching pink for the other side. I don't usually like to do a print on both sides, because it just looks too busy. The little girl this blanket was for was having a Hello Kitty party, so I wanted to keep with the theme! A few years earlier, I gave her brother a Yankees-themed blanket for Christmas, so I wanted her to have her own similar, but distinct, blanket.

The first step is to cut all of the selvages off of the edges of the fabric. It will be on two sides. Usually one side has printing on it, and the other will not. It can be kind of tricky to see where to cut on the side that doesn't, especially on fleece.

If you look closely at the side opposite the printing, you can see two tiny rows of punctured dots. This is actually on the printed side, too. When I cut off the selvages on my fleece, I use these dots as a guide. 

My pile of selvages!

The next step is to stack your two pieces of fleece together so that the edges match up and the two wrong sides are facing each other. Rarely are they exactly the same length. To maximize the usable part of each piece of fleece, I match one corner exactly, then smooth the rest out. I used my bed to get a big, flat surface to work on. When I felt like they matched up as closely as I could get them, I cut off the excess to make sure they were the same size.

Next comes the cutting! Now, when I was learning how to do this awhile ago, one blog (not this one I pinned) suggested using a ruler and measuring all of these cuts in advance. WAY TOO MUCH WORK! Especially when after you tie it all up, the edge is going to be kind of messy anyway. If you're the measure-y type, try cutting a 5" x 5" square off each side, then measure each cut to be 1"-1.5" wide and 5" long... or just wing it like me! Either way, I'm sure you'll get good results.

The "thumb" method of measuring... just made that up.

Here it is all cut up and ready to tie!

So, the thing about these knots is that however you decide to tie them, you've got to stay consistent. I like to tie my knots so that a bit of the color from the other side of the blanket shows. I've seen versions on Pinterest that have the knots showing the same fabric as the side you're on. Just try it out and see what you like. I do two overhand knots in a row.

Here's the second pass.

...and all tightened up!

I make my way all around the blanket, tying the knots the exact same way each time. It's helpful to have a movie or some guilty-pleasure TV show to hold you over as you tie all these knots! I stop in the bottom corner and leave myself a foot opening so that I can embroider the child's name on the blanket. It's a nice extra touch, if you have the time. I think it also makes it more special for a kid than just any old blanket. I clearly remember a towel that my grandmother bought for me when I was 5 or so that had my name and ballet slippers on it. I loved that towel more than any other towel we owned, through there were better quality ones in the house, simply because it had my name emblazoned on it.

I used about four strands of embroidery thread and an embroidery needle to make her name. I used the chain stitch. I didn't make a stencil or anything. I never do really. It's kinda like measuring. I think I probably could have done a little better on the cursive here, but for winging it, I think I did alright!

All done! A front/back view.

All tied up and ready for gifting! I used the extra part of the printed fabric that I had to trim off (because the two pieces of fabric were different sizes) to make a pretty bow. I rolled up the blanket so that her name was on the top. I really enjoy making personalized gifts for children, especially when they're practical!